Data & Research


Dig deeper into the provincial data which informs the decision-making process.


What you’ll find below

Welcome to the Data and Research section of our website. Here, we share a clear and detailed look at the data and research driving the redevelopment of our hospital facilities. This section includes important information about: 

  • Community Needs: The projected needs of our community and how we plan to meet them. 
  • Stakeholder Consultations: The results from our consultations with community members and stakeholders. 
  • Empirical Research: The research that guides our planning and decision-making. 

This section helps you understand the evidence-based approach we’re using to make sure our new healthcare facilities will be ready for the future needs of Muskoka, East Parry Sound, and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to improve service delivery and patient care through innovative design and planning. 

Use the navigation menu below to jump to different explainer videos.

Planning Data

We are pleased to share video explanations of the data used in the planning process.

Process of Planning Hospitals in Ontario

Key Parameters in Planning Hospitals

Non-negotiables that underlie the Current MAHC Proposal

Bracebridge Emergency Department Data

Bed Breakdown

Emergency Department Projections

Projected 20-year Growth Rate for Bed Needs

MAHC Catchment Population Projections

MAHC Patient Populations

Data Inputs Included in Planning Process (Part 1)

Data Inputs Included in Planning Process (Part 2)

If you have additional questions about the data shared below, please reach out to

Want to dig deeper?

If you're looking for more information, check out these resources...

  • Why We Need New Hospitals
  • Our Vision & Service Areas
  • Planning & Timelines
  • Data & Research
  • Services & Beds
  • Transportation
  • Recruitment & Retention
  • Community Supports
  • Closure & Privatization
  • Read all our most recent redevelopment project updates
  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Send us feedback